6 Reasons To Incorporate Sattu In Your Diet!

sattu drink benefit

Tea is unofficially the national drink of Pakistan, A massive increase of 35.8 percent in per capita consumption of tea in Pakistan has been recorded from 2007 to 2016 and the figures continue to rise as most Pakistanis drink an average of 2-3 cups of tea per day.

health benefit of sattu

Amid the current economic turmoil, the government has urged citizens to reduce tea consumption in hope of lessening the import bill and switching to healthier options of refreshments. Hence,  the Higher Education Commission (HEC) has requested universities to promote the consumption of local drinks such as lassi and ‘Sattu’ as this will increase employment and generate income for the public, amid the ongoing financial crisis in the country.

While many of us enjoy a cup of tea now and then, the unbearable heat has us craving chilled mocktails.  And what is better than a refreshment that is healthy too? Sattu is a delicious summery mocktail that not only instantly refreshes you, but has great nutritional value and health benefits.

health benefit of sattu

What is Sattu?

This is a healthy summer drink made with roasted gram flour. Sattu is a mix of toasted, ground barley which smells heavenly. In Punjab, it is used as a cold drink to mitigate heat and dehydration effects. The traditional way is to mix it with water and shakker and devour it chilled!


Sattu ( roasted barley flour)


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Health Benefits of Sattu

benefits of sattu


Sattu has cooling properties that cool the body and provide comfort from the scorching heat of summer. It’s said to be the ideal drink for beating the heat and comes in a variety of flavors. Sattu’s health benefits are inextricably linked to essential minerals, vitamins, and fibers required for body sustainability. Here are some reasons to incorporate Sattu into your diet.

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Provides instant energy

Sattu is a simple drink that has a significant amount of minerals and energy. Furthermore, the body can easily digest it. Regularly consuming sattu will help to preserve physical and mental wellness.

Aids in Weight Loss

Sattu helps to reduce bloating when consumed on an empty stomach. Furthermore, it boosts your body’s metabolism and aids in properly burning those extra calories.

Maintains Healthy skin

Regularly consuming sattu will nourish the skin and maintain its water balance. This beverage is beneficial in preventing skin cell wear and tear.

how to make sattu drink

Prevents Diabetics and High blood pressure

Sattu’s health benefits include the prevention of diabetes and high blood pressure. Sattu is a sugarcane juice-like drink with a low glycemic index. As a result, the natural sugar will be released gradually.

Improves Digestion

Sattu promotes digestion tract function as it contains salt, iron, and fiber which improves all stomach-related problems and keeps it clean. On an empty stomach, drink a glass of sattu and see the beneficial results.

Herbal Remedy for Women

Sattu is a nutrient-dense drink that helps women, during pregnancy and menstruation, to regain lost nutrients and provides the energy to stay healthy. Sattu is the best energy drink to have in summer and it can be consumed in numerous ways.

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