With the prices of designer bags rising up day by day, every girl looks for alternative options that are relatively cheaper. Sunday brings you a list of trendy ladies handbags on a budget that every girl must own. They look as fashionable and chic as the luxury bags and are easy on the pocket after all, who doesn’t like saving?
The Micro bucket
Mini bags have been the new trend for a while now and we don’t see it going anytime soon. The smaller, the better! The mini bag ticks off a timely trend and is definitely a must buy.
Zainab Reza carries the pistachio microbucket by Warp with utmost elegance. The mini bag uplifts the entire look making her look as chic as possible!
Bamboo bag
The unique and famous caged handbag that always seems out of reach can now be afforded in your budget too! Here’s Kuku store‘s ark that is perfect for a summer afternoon stroll. Making you chic and fresh, this light weight bamboo bag is your definitely your go-to accessory!
The Quilted one
Eyeing the same bag at so many luxury outlets but being able to find it locally is the best thing ever! The quilted bag has been making rounds on social media but this one by Kuku store is definitely a must have. With strap or without, it is best suited both ways.
The embellished pouch
The pouch of our dreams! This heavily embellished pouch by Shop Laal is a treat for the eyes. The pearls strap and all the little details make it the perfect accessory for a night out.
As tiny as it gets
It’s all about small and funky accessories to make a statement look! LAMA has got you covered with its mini bag edit. The mini bag is enough to carry cash and a mobile phone with no hustle to handle it. Chic, trendy and affordable, All in one!
Finding affordable accessories can be challenging. Sunday sorts it out for you by listing the top 5 ladies handbags because the right accessory can guarantee you an overall dapper look that too in a budget!