Monday mornings have always been hard whether it is a whole working week or a work-from-home kind of week. Even if work is due on another day, Monday mornings always seem unpleasant. It can be seen as a universally disliked time of the week. We have never seen anyone a Monday morning person. Have you? We don’t think so! Sunday provides you with some of the tips to make your Mondays less awful.
Mondays are tough because it is the day when you return back to the hectic schedule, deadlines, work stress, responsibilities, and whatnot. Compared with the fun weekend, Monday mornings always seem to be displeasing. Most of us even experience anxiety on Sunday afternoon thinking about the start of the week. Here are a few tips that can be adapted to make your Mondays less terrible and return to happy Monday mornings.
A to-do list on Friday
One of the ways to lessen the Monday blues is to create a comprehensive to-do list on Friday evening. Organizing tasks is the key therefore, arrange your tasks in a way that there is less work piled up on Mondays and all the deadlines are met before time. This also helps to decide what work to be done on the weekend so the weekend is not spoilt and the tasks that can be moved onto the next days can be pushed forward. Reducing the Monday anxiety is the motif.
Reconsider Sunday plans
The key to a happy Monday morning is to reconsider the plans that you have on Sundays, especially Sunday evening. Crashing into bed on a Sunday evening after a long day definitely makes one grumpier on a Monday morning. It is better to plan gatherings and social events on Friday and Saturday nights and leave out Sunday for some me time and resting so that one wakes up fresh on a Monday morning. Reading a book, watching Netflix, or fulfilling one of your leisure activities such as cooking, sports, or anything that is fun to do.
Waking up early on Monday morning
Although one may feel that Monday mornings are unpleasant and horrifying waking up before time, at least 30 minutes before can make a big difference! It will not only ease your mind but also give you extra time to lie in bed or to make your breakfast and prepare yourself for work. Waking up late and hurrying up to work or school would not only make your mornings dreadful but will also reduce all the positive energy that you had during the start of the day.
Dressing up delightfully
One may not agree but dressing up for work or university can do wonders for people. It is a source to ingress positive energy on a horrible Monday morning turning it into a happy morning. Although it may not be 100 percent successful in solving all of the Monday anxiety problems but will make you excited to look forward to the day! It can be seen as the key to lifting up your mood.
Do what makes you happy
Designating a leisure task for Monday afternoon or evening can be exciting. This way, one would have something to look forward to in the evening and will definitely be a mood lifter. A small hangout with friends after work or school or cooking your favorite dinner at night can be a contributor to reducing the Monday blues and making Monday mornings more pleasant!
Plan your breakfast
Planning your breakfast on Monday mornings can also be fun! This would be an exciting activity to start the day but make sure you spare enough time for this. Plan your breakfast a night before and curate it your own way in the morning to start your day with a full dose of energy!
These are some of the ways through which Monday blues can be reduced and your mornings can be turned into happy Monday mornings. Although these are some of the tips that can be adopted for a fun and healthy week, one must ensure themselves, it is okay to feel horrible somedays. Work can be tough which may make Monday mornings challenging but it is important to believe that you will get through it! Be positive and live your life your way, that is the key to happiness.