Asad Malik spearheads a company that oversees all aspects of e-commerce and encompasses the realm of fashion. His company takes charge of various operations, including retail, brand conceptualization, and product delivery. With a keen focus on the fashion industry, Asad’s company ensures a seamless experience for customers, from the inception of a brand’s concept to the final delivery of products. By managing the entire process, Asad Malik’s company plays a vital role in bridging the gap between fashion brands and their customers, providing a comprehensive solution for all e-commerce needs within the fashion industry.
In a conversation with Sunday, Asad told that since childhood, he had always wanted to be an investment banker and wanted to stay connected to finance. He received all of his education in the United States as he left Pakistan when he was 12 years old. Starting as an investment banker, the talented Asad Malik ended up in a fashion which kept us all wondering. “You don’t have to be a fashionista to be acquainted with fashion”, added Asad, and we can’t seem to disagree. Although he started off as a banker, he dedicated a sufficient amount of time to study and research about fashion after moving to Pakistan almost a decade ago.
Inquiring about his role models and people he looked up to, Asad told Sunday, “From the spiritual point of view, it has always been our Prophet (pbuh) and from a family point of view, my father always”. To differentiate between life in Pakistan and life abroad, Asad clearly stated that there is no striking difference when it comes to the opportunities available to people here in Pakistan or abroad. There is a lot to provide to the people here and there is great diversity in terms of talent, and careers in the country. “A non-biased, democratic country, freedom of speech, and right to hold one’s opinion would definitely make Pakistan a better place to live”.
As a parent, he advised, “If you’re trying to do something, do it if you have your heart in it, mind comes much later”. He also added, “Define your measure of success. Success is never monetarily, it is always about how contend you are!”