Top 5 Netflix Picks To Keep You Guessing Till The End!

Top 5 Netflix Picks

We are a fan of crime series and adventurous stories and are always on the lookout for them! Finding interesting seasons on Netflix is a tiring task so we’re here to make it easy for you. Here are some of the top Netflix crime series to keep you guessing till the end.

Delhi Crime Season 2

Just like Season 1 was interesting and full of suspense, season 2 is even more fun and keeps us hooked till the very end! The unique story along with intriguing scenes is definitely a must-watch. Every other scene brings a new twist to the story adding extra drama and suspense. With different characters and their unique stories, it is a pleasure to watch it and get scared as the story unfolds!

The OA

The OA is a fun mystery to watch that consists of an intriguing plot that brings forward a unique storyline. The start of the story gives a distinct hint of the plot but with the gradual unfolding of the story, new revelations are made that build the interest and curiosity of the viewer. It is a mystery series that is full of hints of supernatural, science fiction, and also fantasy. One cannot wait to immediately binge onto the next episode.


No matter how old it gets, one can never get over it. It is a mysterious crime series which is one of the most riveting and exciting seasons to watch. The life of Pablo Escobar is a treat to watch as there are so many ups and downs that it keeps on adding to the fun and excitement. Every season comes with a new twist and never gets boring!

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HIT: The First Case

It is an Indian action movie about an officer who suffers from his traumatic past experience while struggling with the new cases that he encounters. The slight revelations about the case after every scene not only make it more complicated but also interesting as it builds suspense. The impulsive and intriguing storyline makes it a must-watch!

The Lincoln Lawyer

The Lincoln Lawyer is one of the most mysterious series that definitely keeps you in the loop till the very end! With every new revelation, one believes the case has been solved but it is fun to see new characters being involved and the storyline becoming more complex. It awakens the detective in you as you keep on guessing who the killer is and how he managed it!

The Lincoln Lawyer. (L to R) Manuel Garcia-Rulfo as Mickey Haller, Jazz Raycole as Izzy in episode 102 of The Lincoln Lawyer. Cr. Lara Solanki/Netflix © 2022
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