What is Hair Botox? Everything You Need To Know!

From Keratin to hair glossing treatments, the options are endless! Hair botox is a trending hair treatment that is making its way into the top salons these days. With the word ‘botox’, one always thinks of it as a treatment that involves injecting toxins into the body or hair but that is not the case here. Here’s all that you need to know about Hair Botox!

what is hair botox

What is Hair Botox

Hair botox is a conditioning hair treatment that is done to repair dry and damaged hair. It uses different ingredients such as caviar oil, antioxidants, vitamin E, and also collagen complex. It is a treatment that fills individual fibers into the hair in order to give it a fuller and more voluminous look. Hair botox can also be explained as an anti-aging treatment for hair to repair damaged hair into luscious locks.

hair care routine

Benefits of Hair Botox

With this new treatment on the market, there are numerous advantages that come along. One of the most important benefits is that it repairs damaged hair. The treatment provides collagen which is an essential protein required for dry, brittle hair. This helps the hair which is damaged after frequent styling. Another benefit is that it adds moisture to the hair. Dry and damaged hair are prone to breakage therefore, hair botox is the best treatment to add moisture and enhance the elasticity of hair. Restoring softness and smoothness is also a benefit as it makes the hair look healthier and soft.

hair care routine

On which hair type should botox be done?

One of the most common questions to ask is which of the hair types would facilitate hair botox. There are different hair types but it is safe to say that botox can be done on any of them. It is particularly effective when it is done to address some of the hair concerns such as dry, brittle hair, split ends, lack of volume, and also thinning hair.

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Is hair botox safe?

Safety is the primary concern before getting any treatment, be it hair or skin. Hair botox is completely safe however, some people claim of getting allergic or skin reactions during the process. Therefore, it should be ensured that while getting the treatment, the lubricant must not come in contact with the skin.

Botox vs Keratin

Although Hair botox is frequently confused with a keratin treatment, there is a considerable difference between the two. Keratin treatment uses different chemicals to smoothen and straighten the hair and it lasts for approximately six months. On the other hand, hair botox focuses more on strengthening and nourishing the hair rather than straightening it. Moreover, the results last up to 3 to 4 months.

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