8 Tips To Flawless Makeup by the Makeup Maestro, Babar Zaheer!

8 Tips To Flawless Makeup by the Makeup Maestro, Babar Zaheer!

Makeup is one of the best accessories that a girl can wear and We make sure you do it the right way! There are an infinite number of brands and makeup products available in the market but the key is to learn the perfect way to do it to achieve your goal of flawless makeup. Sunday brings you the best makeup hacks by the makeup maestro, Babar Zaheer that will make your life 1000 times easier!

Pakistan’s biggest makeup artist, Babar Zaheer shares some of the tips and tricks to achieve picture-perfect makeup looks. Here’s all you need to know about the best makeup hacks!

Blush is the key!

Since the skin tones that we come across in Pakistan are usually yellow undertone so with the application of foundation, the skin tone looks the same all over the face but with the addition of blush, the features of the face become more prominent. The makeup guru stresses the application of blush and how it changes the whole makeup look!

latest makeup trends

Orange color corrector is the savior for dark circles

One of the biggest problems that women have to face is dark circles. With messed-up sleeping and work routines, we all do get dark circles at one point or the other. In order to conceal all those dark circles with makeup and to achieve a flawless makeup look, Babar Zaheer suggests the use of an orange color corrector under the eyes before applying the concealer. This would prevent the skin from creasing and will also provide clean and clear skin under the eyes hiding all the dark circles.


Say no to baking in winter

After applying the concealer under the eyes, Baking is the key that does not let the skin crease but the pro makeup artist says no to baking in winter as it makes the skin dry which is already very dry in the winter season.

Preparing the skin for makeup

Instead of applying makeup right away on the skin, it is important that the skin is prepared for it first. According to Babar Zaheer, the right way to prepare the skin for a flawless makeup look is to apply the sunblock first which is the key makeup product, especially in the sun. After that, he suggests adding hyaluronic acid which keeps the outer layers of the skin hydrated and makes the skin look more radiant! The third step is to add moisturizer to keep the skin nourished and moisturized however, it greatly depends on the skin type of the individual and how much moisturizer is required. If you have oily skin, a minimal amount of moisturizer would do the job!

makeup hacks

Fingers are the best blender

Babar Zaheer shares the best makeup hack about blending makeup like a pro that there is no other alternative than your own fingers. Beauty blenders are time-consuming but blending makeup with fingers does the same job in less time and with greater perfection and clarity!



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Go easy on the pocket

Utilizing the same makeup products for multiple purposes is the best makeup hack that every girl needs! Although it may seem that the most important makeup product is the highlighter that helps your makeup to pop that is not the thing. Utilizing your eyeshadows as a highlighter would also make your makeup look glow so, go easy on the pocket and do not waste a lot of money on highlighters because the eyeshadow pallet can also be used as the highlighter! Moreover, your red lipstick can serve as a blush too. Just remember to put on a little less.

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makeup products

Moisturize to shoo away wrinkles!

Just like dark circles, wrinkles are also a woman’s greatest worry. The best makeup hack to shoo away wrinkles is to moisturize, moisturize, and moisturize. Combining it with a sunblock of SPF 50 or SPF 100 would not let the skin age too soon.

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Liquid foundation over stick foundation

Liquid foundation is preferred over stick foundation because it is easy to blend and dissolve in the skin as compared to the latter. Blending seamlessly into the skin and providing a clean finish is only possible with a liquid foundation for a glowing makeup look.

Liquid foundation over stick foundation

Doing makeup the right way can make or break the overall look so make sure you do it! These makeup hacks and ideas by the makeup expert, Babar Zaheer are here to save your day. Try them out to see what were you doing wrong before!

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