Health Benefits Of Freshly Squeezed Seasonal Fruit Juice

What is better than a freshly squeezed cold juice in this scorching heat. Seasonal juices are the best source of getting all the essential nutrients for your body and also keeping your body cool with the cooling effect of the fruits. Fresh juices are packed with soluble fiber, which supports good bacteria growth and digestive health. It has been shown to regulate blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, and slow the transit of food through the digestive tract. Falsa, sugarcane, and watermelon are said to be the most beneficial for health and tasty as well.

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Falsa- Complete Source Of Nutrients

Falsa a fruit awaited all along the year. There are numerous benefits of Falsa due to its fantastic nutrition value. It grows in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Falsa looks similar to black currants, which are entirely different plants growing in Europe and Asia. Most people confuse the two fruits because of their appearance. Falsa is considered to be an exotic fruit and is either eaten raw with salt or drunk in the form of juice.

falsa juice

Benefits of Falsa

  • Falsa contains anthocyanin flavonoids which are responsible for protecting against cancer. Falsa fruit and falsa juice have been used for centuries to treat the issues related to liver and gall bladder.
  • Falsa is such an amazing fruit that it protects the heart, purifies the blood, and regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is also beneficial to relieve colds and coughs.
  • Falsa juice aids in relieving digestive problems like excess acidity and indigestion.
  • Fresh falsa juice is also good for sunburn victims and those who suffer from a heat stroke. It has a high content of vitamin C which helps in relieving asthma, bronchitis, and shortness of breath.
  • Falsa helps increase energy levels, improves skin and vision, and promotes natural weight loss.

Falsa Mojito

1/2 kg falsa (grind then extract the juice)

1/4 cup lemon juice

1/3 cup sugar (or as per taste)

500 ml 7up

1 glass of cold water

Blend well then serve in glasses!

Wonders Of Watermelon

Watermelon is the perfect sweet treat that is nutritious and tasty. Watermelon is packed with nutrients and especially water that is necessary for good health in summers. As its name states, 92% of watermelon consists of water. The watermelon juice easily sits atop the health charts for the best summer drink. Blessed with a generous amount of water and vital nutrients, the watermelon juice has a cooling effect on our body like no other.

Watermelon | Cute gif, Animation, Disney princess memes

Benefits of Watermelon Juice

  • Each sip contains Vitamins A, C, and B6.
  • Loads of amino acids, antioxidants, and Lypocene.
  • The nutrients present in the fruit ensure smooth bodily functioning along with improving the immune system and defending it from cancerous cells.
  • Lypocene is known to have a good effect on bone and heart.
  • The water present helps enhance your appearance.
  • Keeps you hydrated along with the required nutrients.
  • Restores the electrolytes keeping your system hydrated.
  • The juices’ low calories aid in reducing bodily fats.

benefits of watermelon

Watermelon Ginger Punch

Watermelon cubes 2 Cups

Adrak (Ginger) ½ Cup

Water ½ Cup

Ice cubes, 7Up

See Also
algae in home

Mint leaves

Blend all the ingredients and TADA!


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Sugarcane Juice

There is a reason why sugarcane juices are sold at the roadside kiosks in summers. It is the best way to energize yourself and ensure you do not experience dehydration. The simple sugars in the juice are easily absorbed by the body and are used to replenish sugar levels.

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Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

  • Sugarcane juice has various health benefits. It is said to be one of the best natural treatments for liver-related ailments such as jaundice.
  • Being a natural low-cholesterol, low-sodium, with no saturated fats, sugarcane juice helps to keep the kidneys in good shape.
  • If consumed in a diluted form, with lime juice and coconut water, sugarcane juice can help reduce body inflammation caused by urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and prostatitis.

sugarcane juice

Drink these freshly squeezed juices this summer to stay hydrated in the scorching heat.

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