Over a week ago, the most gut wrenching accident happened – flight PK 3808 headed from Lahore to Karachi crashed in a residential area of Karachi. On board, was also one of Pakistan’s favourite models, Zara Abid. The 28-year had been route Karachi from Lahore upon the death of a family member. Her loss hit close to home for almost everyone in the fashion industry, with designers, stylists, make up artists and all the industry’s bigwigs reeling from the loss of such a talented model, friend and colleague.
Only recently, Yawar Iqbal, Executive Creative Director at J Walter Thompson Pakistan took to his Instagram to propose a wonderful idea on how the fashion industry can help support deceased Zara Abid’s family after her sudden and quite unexpected death as a result of the plane crash.
He proposed that the designers could give Zara Abid’s family a royalty every time they’d run the pictures of the campaigns she was a part of. Suggesting that “if you have paid her 20k per outfit/pic rerun those pictures and those campaigns and give her family X percentage of the aligned amount”.
He also proposed another wonderful idea for how the fashion photographers could contribute. “Photographers who have done editorial shoots with her, kindly arrange a “Celebrating ZA” exhibition at O Art Space in Lahore or maybe online and auction those images. The money collected should go to her fashion account”.
He also pointed out that he did not know the model personally, but the people he loved, loved her and that had inspired the idea. Speaking on behalf of everyone at the industry, everyone has nothing but praises to sing for the departed soul – for her cheery laughter, her dedication to her work and above all, for her kind heart.
This is a great opportunity for the fashion industry to come together once again and do something great – #LetFashionHelpFashion – for we can think of no better way than this to celebrate Zara Abid’s memory.