
Looking at the good, the bad, and the ugly, you’ll find a reflective lens at the Pakistani culture. Bringing Pakistani traditions, stigmas, and societal norms to light, you’ll learn about practices and people from across the nation. Our segment will connect you with the Pakistani culture and bring people from all walks of life to one platform. A celebration of cultural heritage, art, fashion, and lifestyle, you’re likely to learn about a whole new side of Pakistan. Discover the roots of our diverse nation and become a part of the movement to promote our local culture! 

Riz Ahmed Reveals He Got Married Recently. Here’s What We Know:

The British star of Sound Of Metal, 38, revealed earlier this week he had tied…

WhatsApp’s New Privacy Policy Has Resulted in Some Hilarious Memes. We Show You Our Favourites:

Be it a countrywide blackout, or any unsavoury news, when it comes to Pakistan, we…

9 Anti-Harassment Laws Every Pakistani Woman Must Know

Harassment can take many forms and can damage the wellbeing of a victim in more…

Celal AL pays tribute to Jinnah: ‘Faithful, great Muslim, great leader and Turkish friend”

Etrugrul and our obsession with the Turkish actors playing the roles in it knows no…

Restaurant In Lahore Sealed For Serving Dead Rat’s Meat Inside Shawarma

Lahoris are known for their love to eat out, but every now and then, we…

Mira Sethi’s Novel Joins Vogue 2021’s ‘Most Anticipated’ List. Here’s What We Know So Far:

Just when you’re wishing 2021 is the year for all of us – here comes…

Delivery Boy Arrested in Karachi for Robbing People by Hiding Gun in Food Delivery Bag

Ever ordered food really late at night? This event might make you shudder and rethink…

PM Imran Khan Chose to Meet Ertuğrul’s Founding Team While Victim Families in Macch Await Him

It’s been 5 days since 11 Hazara coal miners were brutally killed by unidentified men…

Timeline of Hazara Target Killings in Quetta (Balochistan)

HAZARA KILLINGS IN PAKISTAN – “We are the Walking Dead” Dr Ilham Gharjie describes the…

Ostrich on the Loose in Karachi

From hearing about lions on the loose in Islamabad to now, an ostrich that escaped…

What TV Show to Binge Watch, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Even though Netflix really introduced the idea of binge watching, the pandemic has truly kicked…

Bridgerton: Stream it or Skip it?

When we first saw the appearance of Bridgerton on Netflix, we wondered if it would…