The Story of How Hania Amir Got Her Dimple Will Melt Your Heart

Hania Amir is one of the most popular actresses in the showbiz industry at the moment. The young actress has a fun, bubbly personality with the charisma to take on any role. And above all, what her fans love about her is not just her high spirits or her performances, but that dimple that comes to life with every smile.

The dimpled star enjoys a very large and loyal fan following on social media as she has made a name for herself in a short span of time. A lot of her fans, and of course, TV host Nida Yasir were curious if there’s a story behind her dimple. And looks like there is.

When she was invited on a tv show with Nida Yasir as the host, the actress finally told the world the story about her adorable dimple and how she got it. She said,

“My mother prayed for her daughter to have a dimple. So its because of her prayers that I got it.”

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Is this simply the cutest story behind her dimple or what!

Upon Nida Yasir questioning which side Hania preferred when it came to getting pictures taken – with much confidence, this dimpled star responded that it didn’t really matter.

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