It has become common knowledge now that Mohib Mirza and Aamina Sheikh have parted ways after 14 years of marriage. The two share a beautiful daughter, Meissa, who was born in 2015. Even though the stars have refrained from commenting on public forums about their divorce, from what we know so far, the divorce was finalised last year and the sole custody of the daughter was awarded to the mother, Aamina Sheikh.
On Father’s Day, Mohib Mirza took to Twitter to post a picture of himself with his daughter:
His caption “I wish i knew the whereabouts, i pray and hope to see you soon my love my daughter meissa #mohibmirza #meissamirza #theothersideofthestory ” raised eyebrows. While it confused some how he could possibly not know the whereabouts of his own daughter, others were sympathetic and vocalised a father’s right to see his daughter. No matter what the reason for the split up of the couple, this post has garnered a lot of sympathies for the father.
Moreover, he added a hashtag “The other side of the story” at the end of his caption which makes us wonder if there is more to the story. Looks like Mohib is hinting that things aren’t always the way they seem. We only hope that he reunites with his daughter and they can find a way to ensure the presence of both parents in their daughter’s life.