This is Why You Need to Binge Watch ‘Khaas’, ASAP!

‘Khaas’ has been on everyone’s must watch lists for a hot minute now, and it’s about time you put it on yours. Written by Sarwat Zaheer and directed by Danish Nawaz, this Momina Duraid Production is exactly what our drama scene was missing. A portrayal of severe narcissism and emotional abuse at the hands of a spouse and how one overcomes it, Sanam Baloch and Ali Rehman have given their ALL into these performances, and it’s paid off.

At first glance, it seemed like this would be just another run of the mill show about a bechari wife and her horrendous husband and how she suffers in silence and miraculously in the end he just becomes a whole different person, but BOY WE WERE WRONG!

The story revolves around  Saba  (Sanam Baloch) and Ammar (Ali Rehman) and how they get married because he apparently falls crazily in love with her, but from the first night of their marriage, his true nature begins to unravel. At the mu dikhayi rasam he gifts her a ring and aptly comments on how manly his new bride’s hands are, which is just so sweet!  (eye roll)

And so begins a whirlwind anti-romance, where Ammar doesn’t miss a single chance to put his wife down. And then tries to balance out his cruel behavior by showering her with expensive gifts and expecting her to be grateful, while all she wants is love and affection and kind words. And she lets him know it too. This is where ‘Khaas’ begins to stands out. The woman doesn’t just suffer in silence, she let’s her voice be heard and stands up for herself. So much so that she even garners enough strength to leave the clinically narcissistic and abusive husband she has given so many chances to.

Not only does she leave the douchebag, she finds love again with her second marriage and is set to live happily ever after. The new husband Fakhir, played by up and comer Haroon Rashid, doesn’t taunt her about being married before, isn’t unnecessarily possessive, doesn’t drag her out of her new work place because he doesn’t want competition from his own wife ( Yep, Ammar did THAT) and doesn’t make mean comments about her hands. He loves her, supports her, is proud of everything she achieves and doesn’t make every single thing about himself, which is what every relationship should aspire to be.

‘Khaas’ does a stellar job in shedding light on the fact that physical abuse isn’t the only problem in our society. Emotional abuse is just as toxic and is not something that anyone should have to tolerate, least of all in a marriage.

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algae in home

‘Khaas’ also reduces the stigma surrounding second marriages for WOMEN, and proves that women are just as entitled as men to excel in their careers, in their relationships and their lives, and they shouldn’t have to sacrifice their own self worth to keep a man happy, or to keep a man, period.


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