Toni&Guy Launches The Peng Qureshi Scholarship Program


On Thursday, 29th April, Toni&Guy North Pakistan took to their social media to announce the launch of their Peng Qureshi Scholarship Program. In partnership with Akhuwat Islamic Microfinance, Toni&Guy will be providing quality education and training in hair, skincare, and makeup to two women from deprived areas in Punjab. Not only that, but upon the completion of their training, they will also be given the opportunity to set up a salon in their locality so that they can generate their own income, and create more jobs in their area. Through this scholarship, Toni&Guy North Pakistan aims to empower women by teaching a skill set that will allow them to gain economic independence and long-term financial sustainability.


“This initiative is one that is very close to my heart”, said CEO and Creative Director, Shammal Qureshi. “I named it after my mother who is a role model to me. It was because of her that I developed an interest in hairdressing, and acquired this skillset”. A pioneer in the Pakistani hair and beauty industry, Peng Qureshi is an institution in herself. She is credited for bringing the international skincare brand, Guinot, to Pakistan and has spent the last four decades working relentlessly to build her own brand by the name of Peng’s Salon. Basic beauty and hairdressing skills are a good, sustainable source of income for women with little education or prospects. Helping a single woman acquire this skillset and helping her establish her own salon setup, will have a ripple effect as it opens doors and creates jobs for other women in the locality. It is great to see a high-end brand such as Toni&Guy offer the same quality of education and training to empower lesser privileged women of the country.

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