Today marks a very important day. For decades since the time of indo-pak before partition, a strange practice was followed for the service (sniffer dogs) upon retirement. Unfortunately, when Pakistani police dogs retired from service, they were euthanized after they turned 8 years old. This is a very old practice that prevailed all over Pakistan because they are deemed useless after retirement regardless of their superior intellect and hard work – first in training, and then in active service.

The historic MOU signing between JFK ANIMAL RESCUE AND SHELTER AND Punjab Police (IG PUNJAB) today marks the end of this practice ensuring dogs will no longer be euthanized but, instead, be put up for adoptions 3 months prior to their retirement date. The adoptions will take place with the help of JFK. Furthermore, each retiring dog is to be honored with a service badge towards the end of its career or on the day of its retirement.
These dogs help keep our community safe, from sniffing explosives to drugs, from finding missing people to being at crime scenes. They are our four-legged heroes. Therefore, the groundbreaking initiative of getting them adopted is a crucial and impactful means to assure that their lives that were spent to protect the people of Pakistan are not inconsequential but are worth respect and dignity.
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Adopting retired police dogs is an opportunity for Pakistanis to help them live normally and carefree in their final years, replete with al the love and pampering that they deserve after putting their lives on the line for the nation.
You will very soon be able to adopt the retired service, fully trained dogs from JFK in their new project.

The MOU also includes the rehabilitation and retirement plans for the horses with Punjab Police that are currently euthanized upon retirement. They will be moving to our equine sanctuary for rehabilitation.
Punjab police have taken a wonderful step and shown great concern and interest for the animals and took immediate action by putting an end to euthanasia completely.