Maulana Tariq Jameel’s Dua on TV Last Night Left Everyone in Tears

The blessed night of ShabeMiraj was last night. Shab e Mirah is the night of “Ascendance” and holds immense significance for Muslims all over the world. While the country self isolates, and Sindh goes into lockdown, the country rallied around the tv to listen to the ijtamai dua (congregational prayer – performed live in isolation by Maulana Tariq Jameel) last night. Everyone was left in tears.

Here’s how the world reacted to it:

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It was beautiful to see the country come together on a beautiful, blessed night, to pray for the safety of all of humanity. Please remember, it is good to pray to Allah for help but please remember to take the necessary precautions yourself. Allah helps those who help themselves.

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