Cute Frozen Banana Penguins Your Kids Will Love!

Bananas are packed with vitamins and nutrients, however, at times children don’t like to eat them. We found this super cute and simple recipe of chocolate-covered frozen bananas, which you can make together with your little ones!

Grab some bananas and about 1/2 cup of chocolate chips in a microwavable bowl. Microwave the chips for about one minute so that they are melted. Cut the bananas so they have a flat bottom and carefully dip in chocolate until the top and sides have been covered, just like in the photo.

Attach M&M pieces as eyes to the still melty chocolate. Cut M&Ms into half and add as a beak. Do the same for penguin’s feet quickly before the chocolate solidifies.

Put the penguins in the freezer for about 20 minutes. They are ready to be eaten!

See Also

These can be made for a birthday party also, although be aware that things will get messy and chocolaty, but that’s just the fun of it!

Do make them and share photos with us in the comments below.

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