In case you missed it, Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar solved gender inequality with his latest interview. That’s right folks. With ground breaking comments such as “women should gang rape men” if they want to be their equals, and ” A man cannot say no. He just can’t. A good woman can.”, famed writer of currently hot drama series “Meray Pass Tum Ho”, has shown us everything wrong with our society today. And our celebrities have taken to twitter to respond to the director’s delusional remarks:
Iffat Omar
Ali Gul Pir
Osman Khalid Butt
OKB continued:
Meesha Shafi
Armeena Khan and her reposted Meme is all of us:
For the level of ignorance Khalil ur Rehman has expressed, the amount of reactions from people of influence seem minimal, to say the least. Where are all the celebrities who have worked with him in prior projects? The ones who have most likely experienced his nonsense first hand? Where are all the pseudo feminist actors who are first to tweet about vague atrocities but are silent when it comes to an industry big wig? NOW is the time to speak up and educate those of us who live under false pretences like Mr. Khalil ur Rehman.
What are your thoughts on this matter? Should Khalil ur Rehman be the latest to fall prey to cancel culture? Or do you think everything he said is justified under the wide banner of freedom of expression? Let us know in the comments below!