Using handcream to battle dry skin is the most obvious solution, but it’s important to note creams with Urea will work that much faster. Urea is a powerful hydrating agent that helps keep the moisture in your skin, leaving it hydration for a longer period of time. It’s best for people who have psoriasis, eczema or extremely dry and flaky skin.
Hydrate after every wash
Every time you wash your hands with soap and water, you strip away its natural oils and disrupt the pH balance. It’s important to hydrate after every (or every other) wash to keep your hands moisturized.
Wear gloves
Wearing gloves is not only a must when being outside, but is also important when doing tasks around the house. Make sure to wear gloves when washing the dishes, cleaning, or handling any cleaning supplies that can be harmful to your skin and health.
Try a gentler soap
Opt for fragrance free hand washes when possible to limit the exposure to harsh chemicals. Fragnance free washes will still get the job of killing all those germs done!
Use a body oil
Cleansers with sodium lauryl sulfate, or SLS, are effective but will dry out your hands. When using creams to moisturise, add a few drops of body oil or organic oils like coconut for added benefits.
Moisturise overnight