9 Ways To Take Better Care Of Yourself And Break Free From The Shackles Of Stress

9 Ways To Take Better Care Of Yourself And Break Free From The Shackles Of Stress

Life as we know it only keeps becoming busier and more stressful for most of us. We often find ourselves wishing for a reset button, but unfortunately, life doesn’t wait for anyone. Playing the juggling game can get tough between work and personal life, and you need a much-deserved break for self-care.

self care

Sunday Times is breaking down a few tried and trusted self-care tips so you can press the pause button on life and make sure you put yourself first.

Don’t Compromise on A Balanced Diet

Remember the food pyramid we all studied as children? Turns out it’s actually quite important, and maintaining a balanced diet is the key to your gut happiness. And if your gut is well fed and happy, your brain will be happy too. Even if it’s small portions, make sure you incorporate loads of leafy greens, fruits, and nuts in your everyday meals.

healthy diet

Keep Your Heart Racing

Research shows that it’s important to get your heart racing for at least thirty minutes each day. Even if that seems a lot, take the plunge and start today. Whether you get onto a treadmill or go for a jog in your local park, it’s essential to make sure your heart stays healthy and pumping.

Take Up a New Hobby

No matter how busy your schedule might be, hobbies deserve some stage time as well. Taking time to indulge in activities that please you is great to help you get back into a busy work schedule. Rediscover your love for the arts, or take lessons for a new musical instrument; the world is your playground.

Surround Yourself with Friends and Family

Even though this self-care tip is pretty self-explanatory, we often forget to spend time with our loved ones. Next time you make a plan with friends, don’t flake out. Be sure to take some time out, even if it’s a few minutes catching up over a steaming cup of coffee or a girl’s movie night.

Go For a Drive

There’s something immensely therapeutic about spending time with yourself. And it’s even better if you’re on an empty road, with good weather and your favorite playlist on repeat. Although, of course, we won’t recommend this for any of our underage readers – you can always ask a friend along who’s old enough to drive.

long driveSet a Few Goals

Checking things off your list always gives immeasurable pleasure and a sense of satisfaction. Be it big goals or everyday chores, curate a list of tasks you need to complete and plan your time accordingly. It’ll help you stay on top of things, and you can get a peaceful sleep at night.

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goals for healthy life

Get a Good Night’s Rest

While we’re talking about sleep, we can’t stress enough the importance of resting your body. Ditch the overly romanticized idea of overworking yourself, and set a fixed bedtime each night. You can keep a reminder on your phone or set the alarm to prompt you to sleep within a decent hour, so you wake up well-rested.

night sleep
source: resveralife

Focus on Breathing

When was the last time you focused on your breathing? You probably don’t remember, right? We never stop during the day to take a minute to focus on our breathing and meditate. Whether you’re driving or grocery shopping, breathing exercises can be done on the go, and they’ll benefit you tenfold.

breathing techniques

Never Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and most of us rush out of the house on an empty stomach. Keep a granola bar in your bag, or make a quick milkshake in the morning, so you’re starting the day off with enough fuel for your brain.


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