Hold on – $95,000? Did you also immediately convert the amount into Pakistani rupees and then let it go when you could no longer say the amount out loud? Yep. Happened to us too.
Turns out, a popular Arab Youtube couple, Anas Al-Marwa and Asala Al-Maleh held the most expensive party in the world to find out the gender of their baby, by lighting the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Lahore, please don’t get any ideas!
Asala Al-Maleh is of Syrian origin and was born in Kuwait. Along with her husband Anas Al-Marwa and their daughter, Mila Marwa, she is considered the most famous Arab family on YouTube, and the family lives in Canada.
الشهيران في عالم اليوتيوب #أنس_مروة و #أصالة_المالح يقيمان حفلاً استثنائياً لمعرفة جنس مولودهما المنتظر، إذ أضيء برج خليفة باللون الأزرق للإشارة إلى أن المولود سيكون ذكراً، وصنف الحدث على أنه أكبر حفل في العالم للكشف عن جنس الجنين.. pic.twitter.com/105ECtllb5
— Bila Rakaba (@BilaRakaba) September 9, 2020