Indian Man Wears Gold Mask Worth $4,000 to Ward Off Coronavirus

A mask made solely of pure gold? Wow. Just when we thought designer face masks and masks with school logos on them were a new low, here comes the $4,000 gold mask. An Indian businessman said he paid about $4,000 for a bespoke gold face mask to protect him from the Coronavirus raging in the country.

The precious metal covering weighs 60 grams (two ounces) and took craftsmen eight days to make, said businessman Shankar Kurhade, from the western city of Pune. “It is a thin mask and has tiny pores that is helping me to breathe,” Shankar said.  “I am not sure if it will be effective to protect me from a coronavirus infection but I am taking other precautions,” he added. We guess he really just likes to flaunt it.

When going out, the 49-year-old said he likes to adorn himself with gold jewelry weighing a kilogramme, including a bracelet, necklace and rings on each finger of his right hand. Kurhade, whose company makes industrial sheds, said he got the idea for the gold face mask after seeing a media report about a man wearing one made from silver.

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“People are asking me for selfies,” he said. “They are awestruck when they see me wearing the gold mask in markets.”

Looks like face masks are going to be considered a must-have accessory soon.

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