In Pictures: Princess Charlotte Distributes Food to the Needy on her 5th Birthday

Kensington Palace has released new photos have to mark Princess Charlotte’s fifth birthday showing her delivering homemade care packages to those in need during the Coronavirus crisis. From what we can see, looks like the Duchess is turning into quite a stellar photographer herself as her muse continues to remain her beautiful children.

Princess Charlotte helped her family take food to the elderly and vulnerable in Norfolk. In one photo, she can be seen knocking on a resident’s door clutching a bag of homemade fresh pasta.

The young royal joined her parents, the Duke of Cambridge and the duchess, and brothers Prince George and Prince Louis to make the deliveries, likely to be close to the family home of Anmer Hall, on the Queen’s Sandringham estate.

In two photos, the princess is seen picking up white bags of food for pensioners who are shielding from the virus or other vulnerable people in lockdown in Norfolk.

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The family spent several hours making fresh pasta before delivering it. What can we say – they really are our favourite royals!

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