As productions of all shows are being paused due to the Coronavirus pandemic, hospital based shows like Grey’s Anatomy, The Resident, The Resident, The Good Doctor and Grey’s Anatomy Spinoff show Station 19 are donating their surplus medical supplies, such as masks, to real hospitals in need.
“At Station 19 we were lucky enough to have about 300 of the coveted N95 masks which we donated to our local fire station — they were tremendously grateful,” the show’s executive producer Krista Vernoff, who also works on Grey’s Anatomy, told The Hollywood Reporter.. Grey’s Anatomy donated “backstock gowns and gloves” from its costume department, which it gave to local L.A. hospitals.
Meanwhile, in Atlanta, The Resident’s creators and producers donated supplies to the nearby Grady Memorial Hospital.
The Good Doctor, which is based in Vancouver, pulled their medical stock to send to the local provincial Canadian government to distribute and use. “We are all overwhelmed with gratitude for our healthcare workers during this incredibly difficult time,” Vernoff added. “In addition to these donations, we are doing our part to help them by staying home.”
While some celebrities are singing ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon to us while they self isolate from their mansions, there are others who are actively helping and donating all they can. Kudos!