FM 91 Hosts ‘Sing the National Anthem: Quarantine Edition’ and Everyone Should Participate for Pakistan Day

Pakistan Day has come at a time when we cannot physically come together to celebrate, but don’t let that dampen your spirits because FM 91 has come up with a brilliant way to unite us all and still celebrate Pakistan Day together.

‘Sing the National Anthem: Quarantine Edition’ is an event hosted by FM 91 where the radio station requests all Pakistanis to come to their balconies/roofs/terraces at 6pm today and sing the National Anthem.

We at Sunday fully stand behind this plan and think it’s a brilliant and socially responsible way of celebrating Pakistan Day together. Will you be taking part? Don’t forget to share videos and pictures with the hashtags #QuarantinedPakistan and #EikAwamEikAwaz .

Let’s come together as a nation to brighten up these dark times.

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