As the numbers continue to grow, we all have started to find out about “someone we know” who has contracted the virus. One such name is the renowned menswear designer, Amir Adnan. Thankfully, he has successfully beat the virus, and his wife recently shared excerpts of his journey through the whole recovery process.
This post more or less is full of tips and tricks on what one should do after they contract the virus. However, it is important to remember that the virus might not affect everyone the same way – some might not even develop any symptoms while others can turn into really critical cases. So please practice caution while implementing any of these tricks.
What to do when you test positive for the virus?
“As soon as you detect any of the covid symptoms please isolate immediately and get tested.”
“I developed fever and headache on the night of 16th May. Went into isolation immediately and called Chughtai lab at home. Got tested along with other people in the house. Only my result was positive. I continued having mild fever for 14 days but no other symptoms like shortness of breath or low oxygen absorption occurred. I was self monitoring consistently. I continued strict isolation till the 6th of May that is when under doctors guidance got out of isolation.”
Is wearing a mask essential?
“Care regarding mask and social distancing must be maintained as one can get re-infected,” he wrote. “Since this is a new phenomenon, new theories come out almost every day. As soon as you detect any of the COVID-19 symptoms please isolate immediately and get tested.”
How long after contracting the virus, according to him, does it start to take its toll on the body?
“I am told that the virus does whatever damage it has to do within the first 6 to 8 days. After that, the virus may remain in the body in a less effective form up to 6 weeks and all tests done till then may still show positive,” Amir’s post informed. “However, once the fever is normal without medication for more than three days the virus no longer remains contagious enough to infect others.”
How important is medical care and nutrition during this tough time?
“I took steam for ten minutes followed with salt and hot water gargle six times a day,” Amir said. “Drank hot green tea with Haldi, ginger and honey at least 12 to 16 cups a day. Had 2.5 litres of water. Vit c 1000 cc twice daily, Surbex Z religiously every day. Had good meals with eggs and a lot of meat. Yakhni two cups.”
How important are breathing exercises?
“I Exercised and did deep breathing every day,” Amir wrote. ” I Counted breaths per minute every two hours ( should be between 12 to 20 ). Checked oxygen absorption as well. Kept a very positive mind and worked out of my room regularly.”
What does isolating in a room look like?
“I stayed in one room for 21 days but washed clothes made the room cleaned the bathroom and washed dishes and disinfected the area very day. This kept the virus contained in one room and protected others,” he explained. “Food was left outside my door and nothing left my room once it had entered. All this kept me busy and active. Which is necessary to fight this virus. Remember there is no medicine except your own immune system.”
Sanna Maki leaves – yes or no?
“It is commonly circulated to take Sana Maki leaves as a brew to combat COVID. Please DO NOT take this. Senna leaves are a very strong laxative. It is used to clean the stomach before operations etc. Remember COVID is a RESPIRATORY infection and cannot be cured by gastrointestinal cleansing,” Amir cautioned. “This brew will only give you severe diarrhoea and intense stomach ache. I had a near-death experience when I could not even retain water and was flushing out everything 6 to 8 times an hour. Nearly passed out due to dehydration and pain.”
We’re extremely glad to hear that Amir Adnan has recovered successfully, and pray for all those that have contracted the virus. For the rest of us, please remember to practice social distancing, and to continue to follow the SOPs. Stay home, stay safe.