As far as movie buffs go, this Hungarian couple take the cake. Fanni & Norbet have recreated dozens of scenes in their flat from “Ghost”, the “Game of Thrones”, “Scarface” and other films using whatever household utensils they could find.
Their couple’s photos quickly went viral on social media, and now they just can’t stop, coming up every day with new ideas. “Inspiration struck when we were in the kitchen cooking,” said Norbert Hosszu, 30, as he prepared to put on a wig to act out a scene in which Tyrion Lannister pours himself a glass of red wine at his wedding in the “Game of Thrones”.
Fanni Kovacs, 26, said she had been making dough for potato scones when she remembered a scene from the film “Ghost” with Demi Moore kneading clay and Patrick Swayze embracing her from behind. Being improvisation actors, they quickly recreated the scene in their kitchen using the scone dough. The two have gone viral to the point that the viewers now write to them asking for more, and also ask for scenes from specific movies.
“Fanni and I have always liked to dress up, and when we were at university we went to a lot of costume parties. And of course, we both love movies and work with theatre,” Norbert said.
And being improvisation actors – they simply work with what they can. When they can’t find what they need – they simply improvise. They use flour instead of cocaine, tinned tomatoes instead of blood, a vacuum cleaner instead of a gun. And believe it or not, they only do it to bring joy to people during the lockdown. “I just hope that these photos will bring a smile to people’s faces,” Fanni said.