In a new discovery amid the Coronavirus pandemic, two youngsters from Pakistan have come up with a new game that will educate you with facts on Coronavirus, allow you to bust myths around it while also having a jolly good time.
According to reports, the game’s purpose is to refute these myths, apply behavioral changes and embrace this as the ‘new normal’.
The game is known as ‘STOP the SPREAD’ and has been developed by 13-year-old Nabhan and 14-year-old Kenan. It is based on gamification principles, which will motivate players to learn about the precautionary and preventive measures around the coronavirus scare. The tech duo began working on it in March this year and took only a month to create it.
But that’s not the only amazing part about this duo – both Nabhan and Kenan have never been to any school, neither have they been home-schooled. They have taught themselves from a very young age, and have come this far. Together, they have created the world’s 1st mutil-platform game that will help you learn the facts of the virus while also learning how to exist in the new norm.
The game is divided into 6 levels – and only after you complete them all do you end up being “a Corona Warrior” – someone who has enough knowledge to be prepared during this pandemic.
Level 1: Facts & Myths – it shows you the facts and then quizzes you towards the end.
Level 2: Protection – teaches you how to properly wash your hands
Level 3: Preventions – shows you slides of how you can protect yourself – it too, is followed by a quiz.
Level 4: Symptoms – it allows you to check yourself for symptoms and get advice accordingly
Level 5: Walk the Talk – It allows you to create your own avatar – and the avatar then has to behave in accordance to the information you have learned thus far about what precautions and preventions one can use to keep safe. It also allows you to click and sanitize your hands in the game (reiterating the need to do it in real life).
Level 6: SOAPY to the rescue (Endless game) – You essentially have to fight off an army of coronavirus with a soapy ship – you get to see bubbles fly out of the soap-ship that instantly kills the virus. It’s a classic, retro, arcade style game.
The idea is to instill the knowledge in kids and even adults about the facts of the virus, and even something as simple as the way to wash your hands – thereby creating muscle memory so that you wash your hands properly in real life.
The interface also includes a phone icon that allows you to see all the Coronavirus response lines in several countries around the world.
You can download the game here: https://stopdaspread.netlify.app/
Here’s a little promo of the game:
“Stay home, stay safe. Stop the Spread and spread the world!”