Actress Ushna Shah, took to Twitter yesterday to tweet the following unnecessary thought:
Safe to say, the tweet was not received well and people were furious. The actress, realising her mistake, deleted the offending tweet but did not acknowledge any wrong doing on her part.
That is, until today.
Ushna Shah took to her Instagram account to post a lengthy note, apologising for her tone deaf tweet and labelling it an idiotic move:
The leading lady clarified this apology is not aimed at trolls who ‘foam at the mouth and get personal and disrespectful every time they read something they don’t like.’
Fans and medical professionals were quick to appreciate the actress’s apology:
We’re glad at least some of our celebrities have the good sense and decency to apologise for their mistakes and not all of them enjoy sweeping their misgivings under the rug. Kudos where kudos are due!