Tollinton Market in Lahore is Killing Animals & Here is How You Can Help

Growing up, Tollinton Market was one place you could go to get yourself a pet – be it an adorable kitten or a pup. But there’s a dirty little secret they’ve been hiding. Their market is full of stolen, abandoned and lost pets who are up for sale.

What makes matters worse is the level of hygiene and care there. The conditions of the animals in Tollinton Market fail to even meet the basic needs of the animals who have had the misfortune of ending up there. Tollinton’s Pet Market is responsible for starving, mistreating and killing animals.

Our four legged friends kept in small cages that are rarely ever cleaned. The animals do not get fed properly and often go long without even a small meal or a sip of water. This market is a breeding ground for illnesses to spread amongst animals.

Not only that – most animals there are in dire need of medical attention and have deteriorating health. The horrific conditions of the market are something you’ll be able to spot if you take a stroll along the market. It is a shame that Pakistan pays such little attention to animal rights. Whether it is the stray dogs being shot or poisoned, or stray cats being stoned, the manner in which our country and our people tend to treat animals is truly gut wrenching.

Such a shame for such acts of barbarism to be committed against animals that cannot defend themselves or even speak up against the atrocities done to them. Prophet Muhammad had said “Verily, there is heavenly reward for every act of kindness done to a living animal” and yet, Muslims pay such little attention to the care of animals.

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In order to put an end to the misery of the animals captured in Tollinton Market, a rescue team by the name of JFK Animal Rescue and Shelter has been documenting the conditions of the market through their social media platforms. JFK Animal Rescue and Shelter
has been buying the animals who are in the greatest need of medical attention and providing them
with much needed treatment.

Marwah Mir sheds some light on the deplorable state of the animals there and the reaction of the shop owners at the market “Some of the shop keepers of the market have admitted to not feeding animals and never cleaning their cages. They are witness to the health concerns and spread of illnesses. Many shop keepers have become aware of the presence of the rescue and close their shutters at the sight of the team, preventing the rescue team from accessing the animals inside the shops. There have been animals that were spotted dead just outside the market, seemingly thrown out like trash along the street. A puppy that was in tremendous need of medical attention was taken
from the market by the rescue in an emergency effort to save its life, the puppy did not make it
and passed away.”

In order to protest against the conditions at the market ,JFK Animal Rescue and Shelter is holding a protest on October 11, 2020 at 2:00PM outside of Tollinton Market to shut down the evil that resides within. It is safe to say that the conditions in which these innocent animals are kept falls well under animal cruelty. Please join the protest on Sunday, October 11, 2020 at 2:00PM in Lahore to put an end to this cruelty.

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