Swami Kushna Swaroop Has the Most Absurd Views About Menstruating Women

A Swami in Ahmedabad, India, has been making lectures discussing how menstruating women are the absolute WORST.

In a video of one of his lectures, ‘Swami Krushnaswarup Dasji’ of the Swaminarayan Bhuj Mandir can be seen telling his followers that a menstruating woman who cooks food for her husband will be reborn as a “kutri” (bitch). During the lecture delivered in Gujarati, he goes even further to claim that these “rules” have been outlined in the shastras and he refrained from telling his followers about them over the last decade since he was cautioned not to “reveal the secrets of the religion”.

And Twitter has thoughts:


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Earlier this month, an educational institution in Gujarat came under fire after 68 undergraduate hostel dwellers were asked to remove their undergarments by the authorities. It was later revealed that the girls were being asked by the management of the Shri Sahjanand Girls’ Institute (SSGI) in Bhuj to prove that they were not menstruating.

Set up in 2012, the college was moved to the premises of the Shree Swaminarayan Kanya Mandir in 2014. It is run by the Swaminarayan Bhuj Mandir. In the wake of the controversy, a video of one of the sect’s senior most priests from a year ago has triggered outrage after reports pointed out how his comments align with the patriarchal and misogynistic notion that menstruating women should be barred from entering a temple or kitchen.


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