Publicising Relief Efforts: Celebrities Weigh In

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The one, thin silver lining that has come out of this very scary coronavirus pandemic is influential people, like celebrities and athletes, doing what they can to help those who can’t help themselves during the lockdown, like daily wagers. Recently, we’ve seen an abundance of celebs and influencers collecting donations and rations to distribute among poverty stricken areas and we commend them all for the effort they are putting in to help the less fortunate. However, it seems not everyone is too happy with said celebs. Some people are questioning their need to post their relief efforts on every social media platform, including fellow celebs:

Amanat Ali:

Natasha Baig:

Faysal Qureshi:

Yasir Hussain:

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algae in home

Celebrities posting their good deeds at a time like this can only do good. Maybe it is not everyones cup of tea, but there is no denying the influence Pakistani celebrities have over the masses. Posting their donations and relief efforts on social media could in turn inspire thousands to do the same. Their also able to collect larger sums of donations and rations through social media posts. What difference does it make whether or not it’s shared on social media, as long as people are getting the help they need?

On the other hand, sharing the faces and identities of those who are receiving the help is absolutely immoral. Most of them are daily wagers whose hands are tied because of the lockdown and they have no other choice than to ask for help. They don’t have much to begin with, at least leave them with their dignity and refrain from posting pictures of those receiving relief.

What are your thoughts on publicising charity? Yay or Nay?


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