Khalil ur Rehman Called Adnan Malik a “Hijra” & People Are Furious!

Does this man have an off button? Day after day, writer Khalil ur Rehman makes it to the headlines for one sexist comment or another derogatory one. His target no longer just remain women – he has expanded his hate speech to include men too now.

On a tv show on Bol News, Khalil ur Rehman was found saying “The industry has been flooded by an army of transgenders, not that I’m against them”. He then goes out to state that he makes sure the actors in his dramas aren’t transgenders but he too made a mistake by casting one in his own role as Khalil in Sadqay Tumharay.

The actor playing Khalil ur Rehman in Sadqay Tumharay was in fact, Adnan Malik. He basically called Adnan Malik a “hijra” without actually using his name. Here’s the video:

Several people (celebs even) have called out Khalil ur Rehman before, and now again; this time for using derogatory remarks for someone from the industry.

Armeena Khan

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Hamna Zubair

How many lines does this writer need to cross before tv show hosts and producers realise that this man should not be given any more time on tv? Why do news channels continue to give him undeserved importance by inviting him as a guest on their talk shows? The TRPs are certainly not worth different sections of society being constantly targeted and humiliated on national tv! And we believe some strict action needs to be taken against certain news channels for allowing this man to be on air despite his senseless and derogatory remarks on both women, men and now transgenders too! Clearly Nadia Hussain agrees:


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