JahanAra Khan – The Lady Behind Tvinkal Official

Amongst the locally prevalent trend of Social Media influencers being the arena of the millennials, we see a surprising new player who is anything but one. Jahanara Khan, who has a monopoly on the Luxury aesthetics training niche in Pakistan, has emerged as one of the leading Influencers on Social Media with a surprisingly fresh and culturally relevant perspective.

TVINKAL, her blog in her own words is “literally an extension of my life as I love to cook, shop extravagantly, travel & meet new people but my dream is to use the platform to garner awareness related to products and social issue I strongly feel about” she said in an interview.

















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Winter Break








Jahanara’ s blog consists of everything! From movie reviews to food recipes, reflections on our cultural challenges to motherhood and motivation, trends, celebrity content and life hacks, her blog is mind-boggling assimilation of variation!

In response to a question on her career as an influencer, she responded that she doesn’t consider herself to be a blogger or an influencer. On the contrary, she said that she has a powerful social media platform that reflects the experiences and the opinions of an empowered and culturally evolved Proud Pakistani in her Mid Forties. She is more concerned with ensuring authenticity on her platform and creating content that responsibly shapes the opinions of her followers rather than portrays a fake and pretty
the lifestyle that seeds discontent.

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