Hamza Ali Abassi finally made the announcement he was self scheduled to make at the end of October, and just as many of us suspected, he is quitting acting.
In a 23 minute long video posted on his Youtube channel last night, the former actor dives into what motivated him to make this decision.
“I had this divine intervention some time back, that all that I am doing in this world will end the moment I die,” he says. “All these trophies, all these accolades will not bring me any good on the Day of Judgment when I meet my Maker. I have decided that I want to leave everything that might be a hurdle when it comes to making my matters easier on the Day of Judgment.”
“The biggest truth in our lives is inevitable death and meeting our Maker and answering for all our deeds, and it is so unfortunate that we don’t think about it or even talk about it. ”
“Let’s say I become the best actor in the world and receive an Oscar, I’m still going to die, and let’s face it, people will forget me.”
“The 2 things I can do in life that would please the Almighty, would be helping humanity, charity, and spending the remainder of my life talking about Allah, Islam, and the Afterlife.”
“I am not quitting acting because it is Haram in Islam like people have been told, it is not at all, which I will also be explaining and discussing in the future. I am quitting because firstly, there are not a lot of films/dramas are made about what I want to talk about, which is Islam and the Almighty. Secondly, I don’t want to have to answer questions like when is your next project, drama or film? I want to spend the remainder of my life only talking about Allah Almighty.”
He revealed that at the age of 14-15, he became an atheist and went through an early existential crisis, until eventually after much research and exploration, he returned to Islam.
“I thought about it and it came to my understanding that there has to be a Divine power that is controlling all of this,” he added. “That’s how I started reading and then came back to Islam. I found out that there is so much that has to be understood.”
He also clarified that despite what the rumours are, he is not joining electoral politics, “I think in politics, you have to lie a lot to defend your party and your peers. It isn’t something I resonate with. I don’t wish to lie or do something I don’t believe in, so entering politics is not on the cards right now.”
The former actor also thanked his fans for their undying support and love, and revealed he has left acting, but will still be producing content that shines a light on the true face of our culture as well as sensitive and misinterpreted aspects of Islam like the death sentence for leaving Islam, the difference between muslims and non muslims and restrictions on women, “I want to talk about the things nobody talks about, and if that puts my life in danger, so be it, because life and death is in Allah’s hands.”
“Maula Jutt would’ve been my last film but I took on Alif because it revolved around the message of God.”
He concluded the video by saying ” If you only followed me because of acting, this is Khuda Hafiz for a very long time, and now if you want to join me in my journey to make Allah Almighty the centre of our lives, this is the beginning of a new journey. ”
“Until we focus on the Almighty and the promise we made Him as muslims, this country will not prosper. We are not like America, Europe or China, who have not promised themselves to the Almighty, we are Muslims.”
“InshAllah I’ll keep making videos on Youtube about Islam, Allah Almighty, Death and the After Life. This is all I’ve planned for right now, let’s see what else is in my future, thank you so much and Allah Hafiz.”
We wish Hamza Ali Abassi best of luck for the future and hope he is successful in whatever he attempts.