Smokers 14 Times More Likely to Contract Coronavirus Than Non-Smokers

It may be time to curb your smoking habit, for good.

In a new research conducted by Chinese doctors acute smokers are more at risk of dying from COVID-19 than the elderly.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also said smokers are likely to be more vulnerable to the virus as  fingers are in contact with the lips, which increases the possibility of hand-to-mouth transmission.


Professor Mucahit Ozturk, president of anti-addiction group Turkish Green Crescent appealed to those who smoke to quit to protect themselves from the deadly virus.

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“Using tobacco and tobacco products increases the risk of catching the coronavirus, therefore, avoiding all addictive substances plays an important role in protecting ourselves against the virus,” Ozturk said.

“Smoking can cause damage to the lungs and block the cough reflex so viruses and bacteria could stick to the airways and lungs, which could lead to serious infections.”

Smoking has never been good news, but now more than ever it poses a threat to your health and wellbeing. With Ramzan around the corner, now is the perfect time to curb your smoking habit and make way for a healthier lifestyle.

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