COVID Toes: The Newest Coronavirus Symptom

Health professionals are noticing a new symptom that could indicate a positive Coronavirus diagnosis, even if you do not have any of the more common symptoms. “COVID toes” is the newest symptom being observed by health professions and constitutes a blue or red discolouration on the toes and sometimes the fingers, with an appearance similar to frostbite. This seems to only be seen younger individuals. So far.

We don’t know for sure if it’s related to COVID-19, but when it’s so common right now during a pandemic and is occurring in otherwise asymptomatic or mildly affected patients, it seems too much of a coincidence not to be a manifestation of the virus for patients in their teens and 20s,” Amy Paller, of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Although COVID toes can sometimes be itchy and often times painful, fortunately the toes seem to turn back to normal quickly. This has been seen in unprecedented numbers among otherwise asymptomatic young people who test positive. COVID toes, however are not a sign of imminent disaster, as none of these individuals went on to have any serious medical issues.

They’re typically painful to touch and could have a hot burning sensation,” Ebbing Lautenbach, chief of infectious disease at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine. “Sometimes this might be your first clue that they have COVID when they don’t have any other symptoms.

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Hadiqa Kiani

Ultimately “COVID toes” are still a bit of question mark. Like with all aspects of this virus, there is so much to learn but dermatologists and patients alike should be aware of the potential symptom. As usual, if you notice this new symptom, or any other COVID-19-related symptoms, it’s best to call your doctor regarding next steps for diagnosis and treatment.

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