9 Year Old Ayesha Ayaz Wins Gold Medal in Al Fujiarah Open International Taekwondo Championship

Meet Ayesha Ayaz, one of Pakistan’s youngest athlete’s, who has bagged a gold medal in the Al Fujiarah Open International Taekwondo Championship 2020, held in Dubai.

Ayesha hails from Swat Valley in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkwa province, and was introduced to martial arts at the tender age of three. Ayesha has won many district, provincial and international medals along with the Gold medal at this years Al Fujiarah Open Internation Taekwondo Championship.

Her father, Mohammad Ayaz, also a taekwondo practitioner, said she took to the sport after watching him training. She grew up practising with her brothers Zaryab Khan, 7, and Zeeyab Khan, 5, who are also national champions.

Ayesha is a third-grade student at The Best Schooling Academy in Swat Valley and has a deep-seated passion for sports.

In the conservative part of north-western Pakistan, where education for girls still remains a challenge, Ayesha’s father is determined to help his daughter realise her Olympic dream.

“She is a great little athlete and I will take every step to support her despite social displeasure,” the proud father told Gulf News. “It is hers and now my dream is to see Ayesha participate in [the] Olympics and raise Pakistan’s flag high at the global event.”

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Her dedication towards the sport is remarkable at this young age but without government recognition and support, young competitors face a risk of disappointment.

It is about time the government, as well as our media, provide our athletes who are breaking barriers in their respective fields with the much needed coverage they deserve. This is the Naya Pakistan we want, where young girls thrive and represent Pakistan beautifully.


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