DIY Banana Face Mask for this Winter

With Winter just around the corner, our face requires some extra moisturising to deal with the dry weather. Whether it’s outside where the air is freezing and dry, or indoors where the heat is cranked up, the winter season can be brutal to your skin.

A simple solution would be to head out and purchase a moisturising mask. However, sometimes, the organic route works wonders for the skin.  For this reason, we bring to you a simple DIY mask that you can make using ingredients already available in the kitchen.


1 ripe Banana

1/3 cup yogurt

1 teaspoon olive oil


Use a fork or a similar tool to smash one ripe banana until there aren’t any chunks and large pieces left. The smoother you make this banana paste, the less messy the application process will be. After you’ve pureed the banana, add 1/3 cup of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of olive oil and mix all these ingredients together. Once you’ve prepared your mask, apply it with your hands or a clean brush and wait for 15 to 30 minutes.

See Also

After that, wash off the mask with lukewarm water and gently pat-dry your face. The results will be amazing!

Why does this work?

Bananas are rich in potassium, which is known to be a deep moisturizer for dry skin. Furthermore, they contain Vitamins B and A, as well as amino acids which will give your skin an extra boost of strength and elasticity. In this banana mask, we will also add yogurt which contains calcium and lactic acid – known for their skin benefits. And finally, our third and last ingredient will be olive oil which is an incredible hydrating oil that keeps moisture in.


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