The Singapore University of Technology and Design has predicted the end of Coronavirus for all over the world. While the dates may differ for every country, the prediction rests upon information from Our World in Data and applies the SIR Model for Spread of Disease.
For Pakistan, the prediction is that by 9th June, 97% of the crisis will be over. 99% of the crisis will be over in Pakistan by 23rd June and will fully disappear by the 1st of September. 

You can download the paper here to read in detail about the theory of this study and the conclusions that the university drew from them: COVID19PredictionPaper.pdf
However, since the study is not limited to Pakistan alone, this is the prediction of the University for the entire world.

We’re hoping for the end to this crisis to come sooner than what has been predicted in this study. Let’s hope that in the race against the virus, science wins.