Who could’ve imagined the Terminator would be the adoptive father of an adorable miniature horse and baby donkey?
The 72 year old former Governor of California is urging Americans to #StayTheFHome to curb the spread of the coronavirus, and he’s recruited two of his adorable pets to help get the message across: miniature pony Whiskey and Lulu the donkey.
“We have a good time eating here together,” Schwarzenegger said as he fed them carrots. “So much more fun than going outside. No more restaurants, OK? Public gatherings, restaurants, all those gymnasiums, out the window. We stay home.”
The “Terminator” star tweeted:
Schwarzenegger also shared some hygiene advice in the age of the coronavirus, this time enlisting his dog Cherry:
How can we get our hands on so many adorable animals to go into social isolation with!?