Actor Omair Rana Breaks Silence on Sexual Harassment Allegations

As more and more women come out to report the vile acts committed against them, including sexual harassment, one starts to realise that there really are no safe spaces for women. And when it starts to happen in schools – what can we do but speak up against the act? One such case was when recently Omair Rana, a television star got accused of sexual harassment by some students of Lahore Grammar School where he used to be a Drama Coach.

Omair in a recent tweet said that sexual harassment is a heinous crime and should be treated with the seriousness it deserves. “At the same time the dignity and respect of individuals must not be falsely tainted. The law provides remedies for all and I intend to take all steps necessary for the vindication of my constitutional and human rights and to protect myself,” he tweeted. “For those who publish and fail to remove libelous material against me with an unconditional apology to me I will be approaching FIA under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act.” he added.

Omair also found support amongst the actor community when veteran actors, Hina Bayat and Simi Raheel came out in support for him on Instagram.

Hina wrote: “In Allah we trust, and in Allah we put our faith to do right by us! May His divine hand bring out the truth, expose the falsehood and clear your name that you have worked so hard to build.”

Simi commented saying that Omair was one of the finest humans she knew. “Your respect for humans is impossible to overlook. You are kind empathetic respectful and enlightened… I have known you a long time…. you are my friend my children’s friend! We respect you and pray that Allah will guide you to expose the injustice and lies,” she said.

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