Travel Hacks That Travel Junkies Swear By

If travelling is in the cards for you in 2020, we bet these travel hacks will help you. Even though everyone wishes to be a globetrotter, not everyone can handle the stresses related to travelling. We bring you this quick list to help you gear into travel mode:

1)Take NyQuil

We know how stressful those 15-18 hour long flights can be. And since it becomes so hard to fall asleep up in the air, we suggest taking a little NyQuil – it’s a cough medicine so take it when you’re all settled in. It will guarantee you a good 5-8 hour sleep. And you’ll wake up rested by the time you reach your destination.

2)Take a jog before your flight

Travel enthusiasts claim that if you do a little exercise before your flight, you can bid farewell to any jet lag woes.

3)Roll up your clothes to create more space

You must’ve heard this one before. Roll up your clothes so that they take less space.

4)Put your socks into your shoes

And of course, if you want to utilize space in the best of ways, put your socks into your shoes. It gives you more room to place other clothing and items you might require.

5)Make sure you pack disinfectants

Be they sanitisers or disinfectant wipes, make sure you clean everything properly before you use the public loo. And hand sanitises are your best friends – use them to avoid any viruses that might spread through contact with the locals.

6)Mark your baggage as fragile

Now this is a little secret of our own. Label your bag as fragile so that not only is it handled with care, they also keep it at the top of other luggage. What’s the benefit you ask? You’ll get your baggage first while others wait for their luggage to arrive.

7)Unpack only what you need

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We know those that literally make hotel rooms feel like home by unpacking literally EVERYTHING and placing it carefully around the room and bathroom. But why do so? Live out of your suitcase and it’ll save you a whole lot of time when you’ll have to repack again.

8)Google Maps offline

Of course you don’t have access to WiFi at all times when you are travelling. But finding your next location can be difficult without google maps. Fret no more. You can now save locations to your phone on google maps so that you can access them even without being connected to the internet.

9) AirBnB is your best friend

Instead of a hotel, look into reserving a home or a villa if you’re traveling with a family or friends. Websites like AirBnB is the perfect place to peruse for accommodations that fit all kinds of budgets.

10)When in Rome, do as the Romans”

Don’t be a stubborn traveler, and get out of your comfort zone. If you’re traveling to a country that advises modest dressing, play along and fit into the crowd. It might actually be for your own safety as a foreigner, haha! It will also give you a chance to truly experience new cultures.

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