Mela Loot Liya by Ali Zafar Hit A Million Views On Youtube In 5 Hours But Some Fans Are Not Pleased!

#BhaeeHazirHai – So Ali Zafar finally released the anthem that had everyone on the edge of their seats. And frankly, this is all that everyone could talk about for days. From engaging his fans in the making of the video itself, to making this a small yet impactful production and doing it in only a few days, makes us proud of the dedication our artists can have sometimes. Here is the song if you haven’t heard it yet:

And in only 5 hours, his song crossed over a million views on Youtube – made for the fans, with the fans – now that’s a hit for sure! And while several of his critics and fans were pleased he made to put it together in such a short time – there were others who just weren’t impressed.

There were those that thought “Tayyar Hain” was definitely better than this one by Ali Zafar:

Then there were those that gave this song a 1/20 rating & thought it was very Bollywood inspired:

And then of course, when it comes to Ali Zafar, somehow, the first instinct for some is to fear a court case coming along:

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People are free to like or dislike the song, but when it comes to entertaining the crowd and making a statement, no one does it better than Ali Zafar. Putting together a quick song like that solely for his fans in definitely something one needs to appreciate. It’s time we build up our artists and not tear them down every chance we get!


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