Not all love stories kick off, and not every Valentine’s Day is a success. Here are some first date horror stories from our favourites around town:
So one Valentine’s I took my wife, Hina, out for dinner and secretly had a flower guy coming to do up our house. When we came back home it ended up looking like an old school tacky Bollywood film set. The funniest thing was watching Hina pretend like she thought it was sweet! What a nightmare… I did make up for it though.
– Hasan Rizvi
It was probably my first ever date with this guy I was interested in back in 9th grade. We went to Pizza Hut, and as we were about to start eating, my brother randomly showed up and sat down with us. Later, I found out that my ‘date’ has messaged my brother to come by because they were friends too. Imagine, being on a date with your childhood crush and your brother, both on the same table. Needless to say, I felt like the third wheel throughout the meal as they had bro time.
– Mushk Kaleem
Shahan, my husband, and I were travelling during Valentine’s Day one year and didn’t realise that all the restaurants in the city would be booked. Our concierge went nuts trying to make a reservation and finally we went for dinner at 6PM with all the senior citizens!
– Maliha Aziz
In college, there was a girl I liked and who I wanted to take out for a dinner on Valentine’s Day because I figured it would be the best time to share my feelings for her. I didn’t have a cell phone so I went old school and wrote her a letter and sent it through my friend to her doorstep. Well, her mother received it instead and the next thing I knew I got suspended from school for a week!!! It’s safe to say I prefer cheat days over Valentines Day.
– Omer Shahzad