Yemen is Facing the Worst Humanitarian Crisis in a 100 Years. Here’s How You Can Help

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Yemen has been a battleground for outside sources since 2015. Not only has the country been torn apart by war, it is now faced with a pandemic in addition to a deadly famine amidst a cholera outbreak.

As of April 14, the World Health Organisation estimated that more than 600 Yemenis had been killed and more than 2000 injured as a conflict that has been going on since 2011 intensified from March 19 onwards. The WHO says the longer-term conflict has seen more than 250,000 Yemenis leave the country and more than 330,000 internally displaced.

This thread explains it in the simplest of terms:




There are two incredibly simple ways you can help. One way is to talk about Yemen and the crisis it’s facing as much as possible. Share this article, share the posts in this article on all your social media platforms, sign petitions and start a conversation to bring attention to the people of Yemen.

The second way is to donate, donate, donate. Here are some organisations you can donate to and help save lives:

See Also
incident in sawat


Find more sources for donation, petitions and fundraises through this link:

Have conversations with your family and friends, talk about it as much as possible on your social media accounts, share resources and donate whenever you can. Humanity MUST prevail.`

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