Arnold Schwarzenegger Invites PM Khan To Join His Climate Change Initiative

Chairman of The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative, Arnold Schwarzenegger has invited Prime Minister Imran Khan to attend the Austrian World Summit. Former California governor and Hollywood star launched the initiative back in 2017 and is aimed at cutting emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020.

Schwarzenegger has been fighting pollution and climate change for nearly 20 years. He has achieved several significant milestones on his journey so far, including reducing emissions to 1990 standards and installing one million solar roofs in his state while he was the governor of California.

The purpose of the summit is to join forces in Vienna to create united climate front, fight pollution and work towards a clean and pollution-free environment across the globe.

The invitation  comes as a form of appreciation of PM Imran Khan’s efforts to curb global warming in Pakistan and called him “a strong and important partner in climate action alliance”.

The conference will be held in the Hofburg Palace, Vienna on May 26th, 2020.

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PM Khan has yet to respond.


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