There have been a lot of conspiracies surrounding the peaceful Aurat March. And while the march was a respectful, peaceful protest of women and men demanding equal rights for women, a new embarrassing feature has come to light. Some insensitive troll, photoshopped a picture of TV Anchor Mansoor Ali Khan’s wife to show her plain paper showing a false slogan “No shame in nakedness”.
We, like you, must have seen this doctored picture making rounds around the internet to propagate the idea that the Aurat March is all about promoting vulgarity. The truth is far from it. The photo was photoshopped with a false slogan.
Mansoor Ali Khan took to Twitter to address the matter. “Original picture vs 3 different photoshopped versions. Doing great guys. Your acts only support how important the #AuratAzadiMarch is today. Note: I won’t move an inch from my stance,” wrote the prominent anchor while sharing pictures on his Twitter.
It is absolutely gut wrenching to imagine that people with an intent to sabotage the Aurat March have stooped this low. Unfortunately, this only proved WHY we NEED the Aurat March now more than ever!