Another day, another ridiculous story that you won’t believe is true. Actress Alizeh Shah, best known for her role as Ahad Raza Mir’s love interest in Ehd-e-Wafa ( We’re not being backwards, that is all her one dimensional character is known for) , has been proposed to. Now, whether she’s been proposed to for marriage or proposed to as a potential purchase, is confusing.
A much, MUCH older Bahawalpuri man known as Nawab Shakeel Abbasi has sent a rishta to 19 year old Alizeh Shah, and has promised her 5000 tola gold as haq mehar. That roughly translates to 58 kilograms of gold, or 312500 carats. Yes, you read that right. We’re pretty sure Alizeh Shah doesn’t even weight that much herself.
We’re all for romantic gestures, and we know we’re not supposed to judge age and what not, but is this even a romantic gesture? Or is it a business proposal? Also it’s common knowledge Alizeh Shah is dating Noaman Sami, who is an up and coming actor as well. We wonder how he reacted? Did he go beat up Nawab Shakeel sahab? If nothing else, Nawab sahab surely got a whole lotta attention and now maybe some age appropriate lady will show interest and bag him for herself.
Will Alizeh accept the proposal? Will the unmarried 60 year old uncle get the girl of his dreams? Find out in the next episode of The Absurd Lives of Pakistani Celebrities. (Jk, but not a bad idea for a reality show)