95,000 members, all from different age groups, opinions, different professions, and different origins united in one digital space Foodies & Friends by their love for food and passion for growth in their skills related to food. The community has been awarded and recognized as “Best Social Media Platform” of the Food Category by the 2nd Food Excellence Awards which speaks for the success of this space.
Since August 14, 2017, FnF was started by the Founder, Mr. Khurram A. Khan with a vision of creating a communal stage for people to endorse talent, and facilitate growth with a dash of creativity, without exploiting them. Khurram saw this void after being in the food industry as an Eatery owner and decided to fill the void with FnF. His vision is very much visible in how FnF encourages home chefs and how all its initiatives are crafted to encourage growth. The name FnF is not just a name anymore, it has become family to these members now where their efforts get encouraged and talents recognized by not just members but brands as well.
2022 will mark 5 years to this space and today, FnF is one of the most engaging communities on Social Media with 200+ people posting recipes, food reviews, and competition entries daily and up to 5000 daily interactions as well.
The community is not just limited to online interactions anymore either. FnF is the initiator of multiple projects focusing on multiple growth areas of its members. Meet-Eat-And-Write a.ka M.E.W is a program focused on showing food culture from multiple cuisines via our food reviewers who try multiple cuisines and eateries and write about them. Institute of Skills and Development – ISD is yet another initiative focusing on personal uplifting and learning, under which multiple sessions from proper professionals are held. “Art Of Now” and “Blogging 101” are some of our most successful sessions up till now.
Keeping the fun element alive, FnF holds regular family events which are actually the bonding glue of this community. A typical FnF event looks like a lot of members at one place, meeting each other like they have found their family, enjoying the music and food. What sets these events apart is the warmth of the gatherings and Tambola, the unique bingo game where a lot of them win prizes. The events get fully booked within a maximum of 30 minutes of the announcement, and we see a turnout of 200+ people easily in all 3 cities, Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad.
FnF is not just a group anymore, it is Home to all these members now, it has become a growing space for all those who want to excel, learn and become better in a lot of dimensions. You wouldn’t find a lot of communities that believe in growing together instead of just going in numbers.
More details at www.fnf.group